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Greens Bayou Coalition works to minimize flood risks, encourage revitalization of native habitats, create recreational opportunities, and foster a broad awareness of the economic potential of

the Greens Bayou watershed.


Our vision is to see the Greens Bayou Corridor emerge as the preeminent destination for residents, businesses, and recreational enthusiasts in the Greater Houston area.

The Role of the Coalition:

  • Flood Mitigation & Resiliency:  advocacy, facilitating joint planning, convening diverse stakeholders, fostering investments

  • Bayou Restoration:  orchestrating bayou & basin cleanups, tree-plantings, invasive species removals, Greens Bayou Stream Team water monitoring, participation in Houston-Galveston Area Council clean water initiatives 

  • Parks, Trails & Recreation:  advocacy, facilitating joint planning, convening stakeholders, fostering investments,

  • Education:  engaging stakeholders in our mission, mentoring new Stream Team citizen scientists, encouraging youth to participate in our Kayaking for Kids environmental science program

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